Everything that you have been taught regarding the wrath of God is incorrect. You have to understand exactly what that wrath is, and exactly in the book of Revelation that the wrath of God occurs.
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory is WRONG!
The Mid-Tribulation Rapture
The 7-Year Tribulation
The Wrath of God
Articles of Interest
Does Revelation 8:10-12 Identify a Nuclear Detonation?
In Revelation 8:10-12 John speaks of a huge star burning like a torch. Is this a reference to a nuclear weapon (missile). Verses 11-12 seem to indicate the poison waters resulted from the missile. Verse 12 seems...
Does the 6th Seal of Revelation Portray a Pole Shift? | What happens in a Pole Shift?
Does the earthquake in Revelation 6:12 cause a pole shift? This earthquake moves every island and mountain. The subsequent events related to that are described in Revelation 7 & 8. In Revelation 7:9 there is an...
Dr. John Walvoord Quote | The Rapture Question, page 148
The fact that neither Post-Tribulationism or Pre-Tribulationism is an explicit teaching of Scripture.
—John Walvoord, Dallas Theological Seminary